Band External Rotation – Floor
Band External Rotation – Standing
Bent Leg Alternating Single Leg Lower
Bulgarian Split Squat with Jump
Crawling Plank – Forward/Backward
Deadlift with band around arms
Deadlift with band around legs
Dumbbell Clean to Waitress Carry
Half Kneeling Band Anti Rotation
Half Kneeling Band Partial Rotation
Half Kneeling Single Arm Overhead Press
Hip Internal/External Rotation
Hip Thrust with Band around Knees
Landmine Bent Over Row Anti Rotation
Landmine Offset Deadlift to Row
Landmine Overhead Press –Split Stance
Offset Squat to Rotation Split Squat
Single Arm Dumbbell Incline Row
Single Arm Dumbbell Row Assisted
Single Leg Hip Extension with Band